
How To Remove Baseboard Without Damaging Drywall

Removing baseboard without harm to your wall or molding is a adequately simple task if you practice it right.  If non, you might terminate upwardly damaging your wall or trim slice. This tutorial covers removing baseboard the onetime fashioned way with several common tools.  If you're interested in a faster way, check out my Trim Puller mail.
Removing Baseboard Without Damage

Removing Baseboard Without Impairment

In the last calendar week, I've had three clients ask me for tips for removing baseboard.  I tried to locate a mail service I did on the very subject a couple years ago but plain information technology was lost with dozens of others in "The Great Blog Break".    Luckily, I needed to remove some baseboard this weekend then … I've redone the tutorial —  bigger and ameliorate.

Pictures for those that want the quick and easy "read it and become" explanation and a video  for those than want to SEE exactly what I'yard talking about.

What yous need to become the job done:

  • utility knife
  • 5 in 1 painter's tool
  • hammer
  • prybar
  • flake of wood

How to remove moulding without damaging wall or trim

*I find it best to start at the beginning of a run of trim.

Cut through caulk

Showtime Cut through your caulk.  Don't just score it, cut it.  The caulk tin can tear the drywall paper if you don't cut through.  Got it?  LOL

How to remove moulding without damaging wall or trim

Utilize a v in 1 painters tool or thin scraper to wedge backside the trim piece.  Gently pull the trim away from the wall –only enough to become your prybar behind it.

How to remove moulding without damaging wall or trim

Then put a cake of woods behind the prybar.  The block of woods disperses the pressure and then your prybar doesn't bust through your drywall.

How to remove moulding without damaging wall or trim

Now gently pull and pry and work down the line of trim focusing on each surface area you feel some resistance.  That'southward most probable where the installer put a nail.    Go slowly and gently.  Don't ream on the prybar.  Don't bend the moulding besides far that it snaps.  Like shooting fish in a barrel does it.  If yous meet an surface area where the caulk did non get cut through, go back over it.  Yous'll meet it starting to pull Up which will tear the drywall newspaper. How to remove molding without damaging wall or trim

Scrape off any caulk that was left on the wall and then y'all are ready for whatsoever awesomeness that you have planned for that space!

Also, check out this post toRemove Baseboard with the Trim Puller.  The trim puller makes it possible to use ane tool instead of four as in this tutorial!


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